Transformative Weight Loss

Gastric Sleeve surgery is a life-changing bariatric procedure that leads to rapid and significant weight loss and the resolution of a range of obesity-related health conditions.

Learn More About Gastric Sleeve

*Actual Patient
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Why Choose Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

Many patients have seen an improvement in:

  • Cardiovascular Disease
  • High Blood Pressure
  • High Cholesterol
  • Infertility Due to PCOS
  • Obstructive Sleep Apnea
  • Type 2 Diabetes
  • Stroke Risk

Effectiveness: Gastric sleeve surgery is an effective way to achieve significant weight loss. Studies have shown that patients can lose up to 60-80% of their excess weight within the first year after surgery.1,2

Long-term weight loss: Gastric sleeve surgery is a more permanent weight loss solution than diet and exercise alone. It helps to change the patient’s eating habits and behavior, which can lead to long-term weight loss success.3

Improved health: Gastric sleeve surgery can improve or even resolve obesity-related health conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep apnea, and joint pain.4,5

Quality of life: Gastric sleeve surgery can greatly improve a person’s overall quality of life. It can help patients feel more confident and self-assured, and enable them to participate in more physical activities and enjoy life more fully.

Minimally invasive: Gastric sleeve surgery is typically done laparoscopically, which means it’s a minimally invasive procedure with a small incision, less pain, and quicker recovery time.


How Does Gastric Sleeve Surgery Work?

Laparoscopic gastric sleeve surgery, also known as sleeve gastrectomy, is a minimally invasive procedure that involves using small incisions and a laparoscope (a thin tube with a camera on the end) to remove a large portion of the stomach. The remaining stomach is shaped like a sleeve, which is where the surgery gets its name. This surgery helps people who are struggling with obesity to lose weight by reducing their appetite and limiting the amount of food they can eat.

  • Covered By Insurance
  • Financing Available
  • Minimally Invasive

On Average


of the stomach is removed


Restricts Food Intake

Patients feel fuller faster with a smaller stomach pouch


Decreases Appetite

Removes the portion of the stomach that generates the majority of ghrelin, known as the hunger hormone

Over 2,500 successful procedures performed!

We’re proud to have helped numerous people just like you achieve their weight loss goals and start living healthier and happier lives.

One of these success stories could be you!!!

Achieve your weight loss goals!

Significant weight loss is hard work, but it is possible, and we are dedicated to providing you with support along every step of your journey. Under the direction of Board-Certified lead surgeon Dr. Wiljon Beltre, The Center For Metabolic and Obesity Surgery offers a comprehensive medical approach to significant weight loss and the treatment of weight-related medical complications.

On Average


BMI Loss

On Average


Excess Weight

Lost in a Year